Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The First "Lady?" I think not ...

Not that I had previously entertained the idea anyway, but I cannot endorse Rudy Giulani for the Republican nomination for President after recently reading some distressing news regarding his wife. Judi Giulani performed experiments on dogs that can only be regarded, by any open-minded, thinking person, as egregious torture. Technically, what she did couldn't even be considered medical research—it was simply done to test surgical equipment for a medical supply company. Judi herself has refused to comment on whether or not she sliced dogs up in the name of boosting her firm's product. And even though I am surely not a Daily Kos reader, I do agree with the author of the linked piece that Rudy himself cannot have much of a conscience to love a woman like that. Frankly, I'd rather have The Wicked Witch of the West, a.k.a. Hillary Clinton, as President than this sadistic bitch as First Lady.
It was bad enough having cat-killer Bill Frist as Senate Majority Leader. I did my best to ignore that. But I tell you, if I hear any more news about Republicans and animal torture, I'm becoming an Independent or a Libertarian, because this is getting to be outrageous.
As long as we're on the cheery subject of animal experimentation, it's always nice to know where our tax money goes. This might give you an idea. Cambridge University spent £1.6 million of we British taxpayers' cash on performing illegal drug studies, doping animals up on substances like crystal meth and cocaine and then running psychological experiments on them. Golly gee, that really sounds like vital fucking reserach, doesn't it, folks? For instance, the "researchers" found that getting rats high on cannabis produced "the munchies." You know, I really am glad that some of the money I earned contributed to such experiments as I had NO CLUE that MARIJUANA causes HUNGER!
But, as long as money talks and animal torturers under the guise of "scientists" hop into bed with the government, this kind of idiocy will sadly carry on.


Abel Keogh said...

I'm not impressed with any of the people on either side of the aisle running for president.

Nightdragon said...

I still think McCain would be a good Prez ... but I also don't think he stands much of a chance.

Anonymous said...

Elections are summed up nicely by a certain south park episode!